
From Red to Black: Practical Tips for Canadians to Eliminate Debt

4 July 2023

Expert advice for Canadians struggling with debt


Debt is a big issue in Canada, and it’s only worsening. In fact, to Statistics Canada’s latest report on consumer credit market debt (CCMD), the total consumer debt in Canada has climbed to $2.36 trillion as of Q3 2022, an increase of 7.3% compared to the previous year–a record high for our country. In this blog post, we’ll examine why getting out of debt is so important and how you can do it with simple steps.

Step 1: Understand Your Debt

The first step to getting out of debt is understanding your debt. Next, you must gather information on all your debts and review the interest rates, payment terms and total balance due.

Step 2: Set a Goal

The next step is determining a timeline and how much you can pay off each month. You may want to review your progress regularly, but it’s important not to get discouraged if things don’t go according to plan. If you fall behind or make little progress in paying down debt, take some time off from extra payments until things settle down again.

Step 3: Create a Budget

Once you’ve analyzed your income and expenses, it’s time to create a plan to reduce your spending and increase your revenue. This can be done by analyzing where your money goes each month. You want to ensure that all the money goes towards essential things for you and your family. If there are areas where you feel like there is room for improvement, try cutting back so that more money is available for debt repayment or savings goals (see Step 4).
If possible, try not to cut out essential expenses such as rent/mortgage payments or utilities unless necessary! Instead, look at non-essential items such as eating out more often than needed; buying new clothes when old ones still fit fine; buying expensive electronics instead of cheaper versions; etc.

Step 4: Reduce Your Spending

The fourth step to getting out of debt is reducing your spending. If you’re not careful, this can be the most challenging step for Canadians. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of buying things and not think about how much you spend on each purchase. However, suppose you don’t take control of your finances now and start cutting back on unnecessary expenses. In that case, it will be even harder for your future self when they are struggling with debt or trying to save enough money for something important like buying a house or sending their kids through university.

There are many ways that Canadians can reduce their spending without having any significant impact on their lives:

Step 5: Increase Your Income

You can also increase your income by looking for additional sources of money. This might mean taking on a second job, applying for freelance work, or even starting a side hustle to bring in some extra cash.
When it comes to finding more work, there are many options available:

Step 6: Pay Off Your Debt

So, you’ve made a plan to get out of debt. Now it’s time to put that plan into action.
First, look at your debt list and determine which one has the highest interest rate. That’s the one you’ll want to pay off first–so make more than the minimum payment on this account each month until it’s paid off completely. Then move on to the next-highest rate debt, and so on, until all your debts are gone!
If that sounds like too much work or if it feels impossible because of how much money is owed (and how little cash flow), consider consolidating all those high-interest loans into one lower-interest loan through a company like Consolidated Credit Counseling Services Inc., which specializes in helping people manage their finances better through education programs and debt management plans tailored specifically for each client’s needs

Step 7: Avoid New Debt

Step 8: Monitor Your Progress

Once you’ve made a plan and started putting it into action, monitoring your progress is essential. You can do this by reviewing your budget regularly and checking in with the credit reporting agency Equifax Canada at least once per year (they offer free credit reports). Checking in on how much debt you have and where it’s coming from will help keep you motivated and keep things on track. If any changes need to be made based on what they find, make those adjustments immediately so they don’t derail all your hard work! It can be challenging to get out of debt, but it’s not impossible. It just takes a little time, effort and discipline. Once you start seeing results, the payoff will be well worth it!


Getting out of debt is a crucial step to take. It’s not just about saving money but also about living the life you want. The more you worry about paying off loans and interest, the less freedom and flexibility you have. That said, there are many different ways to get out of debt. Some people choose to pay off their debts in order from the smallest balance first, while others prefer paying off their highest interest rate first–it depends on what works best for them! If you’re having trouble deciding where to start or which method works best for your situation, try talking with someone who has been through this before (such as a professional financial advisor). Also, consider speaking with a certified counsellor at Canada Debt Help who can help determine your Debt Relief Options.

If you’re in debt, it can be hard to think about your future. But don’t despair: there are many options out there for you. One of the best things you can do is work with a certified counsellor at Canada Debt Help, who can help you determine your Debt Relief Options. www.canadadebthelp.com